The best hard drive recovery software
The best hard drive recovery software

the best hard drive recovery software

Do this fairly gently – perhaps hard enough to crack an egg. Slap it on a table on one of its side edges. If this works, it is possible that the motherboard is at fault and not your hard disk. If it does not spin up, try pulsing the power to the drive by turning on and off the external power to the drive motor until it does start to spin.Ħ.Connect the drive into another computer and try again. If you don't have another controller, a PCI card that adds ports to your computer, just change the ID.ĥ.Plug it into an external drive adapter or external drive case (i.e.

the best hard drive recovery software

Plug it in alone without any other device on that port and try again.Ĥ.Try other IDs and/or another PCI controller and try again. If it was “slave” or “cable select,” set it to “master.” Note that an IDE drive will need a flat-ribbon cable.ģ.If you have a PATA (IDE/EIDE) drive, switch drive pin settings. Plug the hard drive in with a new cable that you know works and try again. Several steps to recover a Dead Hard DiskĢ.Replace the cable.

The best hard drive recovery software